please fill out the steam-age-releases-questionary. so that your games are available again in germany.
"A few days ago, new requirements for the protection of minors in Germany swirled Valve's Steam platform. Starting November 15, all games must have an age label. "
Sadly, this is an Itch problem, and we don't have the resources to fix that. You can try downloading through the Itch website, or try requesting a refund and re-purchasing the Supporter Pack and Soundtrack on our Steam page.
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Who ever decided to give Veinte tongue piercing, thank you.
The game is just black when I click the first level
please fill out the steam-age-releases-questionary. so that your games are available again in germany.
"A few days ago, new requirements for the protection of minors in Germany swirled Valve's Steam platform. Starting November 15, all games must have an age label. "
Не дают бесплатно трахать ящериц. Ну, тогда мы всех бесплатно истребим
не че скачаем пиратскую
I hope there's mobile
I will buy this eventually but before I do, question, what race do you play as? A human or lizard?
Наш слоняра💪
Страно, что написано "Humans", а не "Russisns"( типо русы)
Так у иностранцев сейчас неприязнь ко всему русскому, может создатели поэтому решили переименовать игру
Who's the artist behind this?
BeaverTyan! Here's the artist's Twitter!
Can't download the Supporter Pack and the Soundtrack through the itch app.
Sadly, this is an Itch problem, and we don't have the resources to fix that. You can try downloading through the Itch website, or try requesting a refund and re-purchasing the Supporter Pack and Soundtrack on our Steam page.
Русы не против ящеров)
Всё по секретным документам Багирова))
Профессор Алексей Сергеевич Багиров расскажет правду
Да~ Я точно не против таких людояшеров